Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Hello! Happy Wednesday!

Today in Math we tried a new activity - "Les gratte-ciels!"
This activity is like a 3D version of Sudoku, where 4 sets of different sized 'towers' are placed on a grid.

Please ask me how I found the activity. Did my partner and I figure out a strategy to best solve the puzzles?

Stay warm! :)



*2L pop bottles: We will be doing a Science activity in class next week (likely on Wednesday) that requires using an empty 2L pop bottle. Please send a clean, empty 2L pop bottle to school with your child. If you have extras, please consider sending more than one. Thank you!

1. Math Geometric Art and Science "Grande image de fluides" - due Friday

2. Ma fête extraordinaire! - Final typed draft due in Showbie on Friday.
(Students will have three additional work periods this week to complete their paragraph. Criteria and support documents are posted in Showbie.)

3. CFOO #4 - Opinion
Presentations: Thursday, February 4 (Group A) and Friday, February 5 (Group B).

4. Français - Je lis daily reading

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