Thursday, January 28, 2021

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Hello, learning friends! Happy Thursday!

We're checking in today to ask a very important question...

Est-ce qu'un hotdog est un sandwich? Is a hot dog a sandwich?

We all had some great reasons why a hot dog is a sandwich and why it is not, and we were able to respond to and build on the ideas of our peers using the sentence structures above. Many of us ended up taking a 50/50 (agree/disagree) stance for various reasons.

We 'settled' the debate once and for all by watching this short video clip: Obama Settles It

What do you think? Is a hot dog a sandwich?



*2L pop bottles: We will be doing a Science activity in class next week (likely on Wednesday) that requires using an empty 2L pop bottle. Please send a clean, empty 2L pop bottle to school with your child. If you have extras, please consider sending more than one. Thank you!

1. Math Geometric Art and Science "Grande image de fluides" - due Friday

2. Ma fête extraordinaire! - Final typed draft due in Showbie on Friday.

3. Calcul mental "Remarque les neufs" Section A - Monday

4. CFOO #4 - Opinion
Presentations: Thursday, February 4 (Group A) and Friday, February 5 (Group B).

5. Français - Je lis daily reading

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