Monday, May 3, 2021

Monday Agenda Items



1. Haïku - "Le chandail de hockey" Revisions if not completed today in class - Tomorrow (Tuesday)
Please check Showbie to see if revisions are required.
Make corrections, re-submit and re-record the voice note as needed.

2. Activité image "Les rapports" Revisions if not completed today in class - Tomorrow (Tuesday)
Please check Showbie to see if revisions are required.
Make corrections, re-submit and re-record the voice note as needed.

3. Science reading and research activity: "Les adaptations" - Friday
(Assignment breakdown and details are posted in Showbie.)

4. CFOO # 7 - Opinions
Monday, May 10. Both Groups will present this day.

5. Daily French reading with Je lis or

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