Thursday, March 4, 2021

Kim et ses bonbons, Bernoulli et son principe

Hello! Happy Thursday!

Today in Math we worked in randomized groups of three to solve and explain our thinking for the Math word problem "Kim et les bonbons." The main objective was to collaborate with our peers to 'show our complete thinking' of how we arrived at the answer. 

After a set amount of time to write out our answer, we did a gallery walk to see how other groups solved the problem. Tomorrow we will work individually to solve the same question, taking time to organize and write our best thinking based on what we saw modelled today.

Today in Science we started learning about Bernoulli's Principle and had the chance to go outside to complete 2 different Bernoulli demonstrations. (Unfortunately, Mme forgot her phone inside so couldn't snap a picture of us in action.) We explored how to remove a ping pong ball from a funnel (without tipping it upside down) and, using a strip of a paper and fast moving air (created by our breath) we were able to raise the strip of paper up to mimic the wing of an airplane!

Please ask me about today's Science demonstrations and how Bernoulli's Principle can explain what we observed.



1. Calcul mental évaluation "Divise par deux et double" - tomorrow (Friday)

2. Feuille de travail nombres entiers - tomorrow (Thursday) (Friday)

3. Présentation d'un poème - Thursday, March 11 and Friday, March 12.
(Poems are posted in Showbie under Français - Orale).

4. Français - Je lis daily reading

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