Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Math Art + Does Air Have a Mass?

Hello, learning friends! Happy Wednesday!

Please allow us to share the beautiful geometric masterpieces we created as part of our "les transformations géométriques" study in Math.

Look closely... can spot a translation, a rotation and a reflection?

Please also allow us to show you our scientific side!

Today in class, using a 2L plastic bottle, an air pump and an electronic scale, we set out to determine if air has a mass. Please ask me about today's activity: What did I notice about the bottle over the course of the experiment? What happened at the end? Based on the data, does air have a mass? 🤔



** Registration Forms for the 2021-2022 school year were sent home on Friday! Please review the information and complete and send back NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12. **

1. Final typed draft of Ma fête extraordinaire! - OVERDUE

2. Calcul mental "Remarque les neufs" Section B - tomorrow (Thursday)

3. CFOO #4 - Opinion
Presentations: Group A: tomorrow (Thursday) and Group B: Friday

4. Français - Je lis daily reading

5. J'aime Lire Spirit Week - NEXT WEEK!
See THIS POST for all the details!

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