Hello, learning friends! Happy Friday!
This morning in Math we continued our work with geometric transformations by studying different logos. Is there a rotation, a reflection or translation?
In Science, we shared every day examples of the five properties of fluids. Our weekend homework is to continue observing the world around us to see if we can notice even more!
We finished our morning in Français and started a small debate unit - "Les débats absurdes" - which will eventually turn into the base structure of our COVID-modified concours this year. Today's opinion topic:
"Est-ce que le céréale est de la soupe?" - "Is cereal a soup?"
Our goal today was to listen to understand, not to listen to respond. Meaning, we were each allowed to share our thoughts without rebuttal to understand the perspective of our peers. We shared many interesting and fun ideas and offered a whole new perspective on soup and cereal! Please ask me what I think... is cereal a soup?
Happy debating! Happy weekend! :)
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