Monday, November 16, 2020

Welcome to Rooms 202 + 203!

Hello, learning families! Happy, happy Monday!

Allow us to introduce you to our new learning space!

Room 202! (Taken at lunch, which is why a few of us aren't wearing masks).

Room 203! (Taken at lunch, which is why a few of us aren't wearing masks).

We will be learning how to navigate learning in a 2-in-1 room over the coming weeks. With everyone's positive attitude, and with a lot of hard work, we know we can do it! :)

On top of moving to a new space, we also had a great morning of learning today.

In Math, we completed a calcul mental assessment and continued to work with les nombres premiers et composés. We are preparing for our upcoming assessment this Wednesday.

And, in Français, we took a field trip to the gym where we were treated to a great line-up of CFOO presentations. We heard reviews of restaurants, books and movies, and also learned a bit more about our classmates' favourites.

And, to top off this great Monday morning post, allow us to share a collage of all of our "Book Lover's Day" photos that were loaded in Showbie over the past two weekends. What a joy to see everyone's entire, smiling face! The best! :)

Wishing you all a super week ahead!



1. Science: "Béchers et bougie" and Tomatosphere lab reports - Overdue

2. Math assessment Multiples et Facteurs - Wednesday, November 18
*Practice questions for our upcoming assessment are still posted in Showbie. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to take some time for home review. Answers will be shared with students once they have indicated/shown they have done the questions.

3. Continue working on weekend Showbie tasks for that have not yet been completed.
* French listening activity (Français-Orale, La voiture) 
*Virle langue (Français: Orale)
* Book Lovers Day Photo (Français: Lecture)
* Multiples et Facteurs (Maths)

4. Student conferences - Thursday, November 19
(Please book an appointment online through Conference Manager. Teams invitations will be sent to students' school email address).

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