Friday, October 30, 2020

Costume Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone!

We had another great morning together. Let's take a look...

Today, for PA, we actually went to PA! Yay! Thanks Mme Schmidt for a great lesson! :)

In Math, we collaborated with our table groups to solve a puzzle; it was tricky to figure out the shape since Mme did not give us any hints.

Ta Da! Math Bat puzzles!

In Français, we worked in our table groups to complete a Halloween vocabulary crossword puzzle.
No help from Mme. Just a dictionary!

We also listened to this very catchy tune, La chansons des squelettes, and discovered that it's equally fun when the playback speed is slowed or sped up!

Check out our great costumes!

Cereal, hockey, animals and more!

🎃 Have a safe and fun Halloween Weekend! 🎃



1. Special weekend homework task posted in Showbie, "Français - Orale," "Virle langues." (Can be done instead of or in addition to French reading on Je lis.)

2. Presentation of our goals to the class -  Monday (last day)

3. Photo retakes: Monday

4. Please ask me to show you my 'tableau d'inspiration' in Showbie!

5. French Reading using the Je lis website - Daily

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