Tuesday, September 15, 2020

It's Tuesday!

 Hello, families!

We had a great morning of learning together!

In Math, we started with a Qui suis-je and then played "YAHOO" - a game of chance that allows us to practice our foundational multiplication facts and mental math strategies. We quickly learned who likes to play it safe and who has nerves of steel as we took our chances with the dice! Please ask me how I did!

In Français, we started writing and paring down our lists for "Mon Top 5." Many of us commented on how hard it is to pare down a list of things that are important to us to only 5! 

We also learned a bit about how our daily reading time will work for the year. Each day, at the beginning of our Français period, we will have 10-15 minutes of "LaLaLa" time, which will include a rotation of independent, partner and group reading and literacy activities. We will practice each section in turn over the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more info as we begin adding this routine into our daily schedule.

We ended our morning with a "real life" esti-mystery: how many packing peanuts can Mme Careen fit into 2 different sized can? Our estimation for the large can was right on, but our estimation for the smaller can was waaaay off...! Please ask me how the small can was able to fit at least 10x more packing peanuts than the large can!



1. Please send back forms (lunch, medical, parent/student questionnaire) as soon as possible.

2. Please continue sending in additional supplies (as outlined on the blue form sent home last week) as you are able. Many supplies can be kept in our classroom in personal supply boxes, but binders will have to make the daily journey from home to school. 

* Reminder: students will not be changing for Phys Ed until further notice, therefore gym bags are not currently required. Please ensure they are ready to be active outdoors on days 1,3,4 and 5. Thanks!

3. Please continue reviewing the importance of social distancing and the proper way to wear a mask. We are all doing well so far with wearing our masks in class; maintaining enough distance between our classmates and other school friends in the halls and outside is definitely the more challenging part. We will continue to review and remind at school as we all adjust to our new norms. Thank you for your support!

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